NEW Mathseeds Map 37 Available Now!

The magnificent world of Mathseeds has gotten bigger and better with our latest map release!
Map 37 features five adventure‑filled lessons with the Mathseeds characters. Your child will have fun keeping basketball scores in Chicago, working out train times in Melbourne, and finding the attributes of shapes (and stars!) in Hollywood.
The brand new activities in Map 37 continue to build essential year 3 maths skills, with a quiz and reward game at the end of each lesson.
The multi-award winning Mathseeds program now features 185 online maths lessons suitable for children aged 3–9.

Map 37 features:
- Lesson 181, Number Fact Families 2: Practise solving problems using the commutative property of multiplication. Your child will learn to recognise different number combinations that make number fact families when multiplying and dividing.
- Lesson 182, Metres, Centimetres & Millimetres: Measure and compare objects using metres, centimetres and millimetres. Your child will learn to recognise which unit of measure is the most appropriate for the situation.
- Lesson 183, Solving Word Problems: Learn how to solve a variety of addition and subtraction word problems using different strategies.
- Lesson 184, Properties of 2D Shapes: Revise the different categories of 2D shapes and group shapes according to their attributes.
- Lesson 185, Adding Fractions: Your child will learn how to add simple fractions that share the same denominator, and practise solving simple word problems.
The journey awaits! Click here to log into Mathseeds and start exploring the latest map release today.
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